The LEAP team


Team Koen Deforce

Prof. Koen Deforce 

project coordinator

I am a senior researcher at RBINS and research professor at Ghent University in archaeobotany and palaeoecology.

Team Mathieu Boudin

Dr. Mathieu Boudin

I am the head of the 14C laboratory at RICH.

Team Philippe Crombe

Prof. Philippe Crombé

I am a research professor at Ghent University specialized in prehistory of NW Europe.

Team Christophe Snoeck

Prof. Christophe Snoeck

I am a research professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel combining geochemistry and archaeology.

Team Sophie Verheyden

Dr. Sophie Verheyden

I am a geologist with a focus on environmental geochemistry using cave deposits, and head of research at RBINS.


Pasfoto PossumPincé

Dr. Possum Pincé

I am a postdoctoral researcher at RBINS, specialized in geoarchaeology and palynology.

Team Christian Burlet

Dr. Christian Burlet

I am a postdoctoral researcher at RBINS, using geochemistry to answer palaeoclimatic questions.

Team Marine Wojcieszak

Dr. Marine Wojcieszak

I am a research fellow at RICH in the 14C laboratory, applying analytical chemistry to archaeological artefacts and their contexts.

Team Giacomo Capuzzo

Dr. Giacomo Capuzzo

I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at UniTn using radiocarbon dates and stable isotopes to reconstruct the behaviour of past societies.


Team hannah leonard

Hannah Leonard

I am a PhD candidate at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel using isotopic proxies and radiocarbon dates to recreate human demography and mobility.


Team Isabelle De Groote

Prof. Isabelle De Groote

I am a research professor in biological anthropology at Ghent University and head of the ArcheOs research laboratory for Biological Anthropology in the Department of Archaeology at UGent.

Team Guy De Mulder

Prof. Guy De Mulder

I am a research professor in protohistoric archaeology of Northwestern Europe and the Balearic islands at Ghent University.

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