Em. Prof. Claire Billen
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Claire is a medievalist and has always been interested in the history of societal and economic changes in ancient and current times.
The LEAP project is supported by an international advisory committee of experts in the fields of paleoclimatology, geochemistry, palaeoecology, palaeomobility, climate modelling and science communication, covering a wide range of aspects of this project. The committee will help and guide the researchers of the LEAP project in their work.
Claire is a medievalist and has always been interested in the history of societal and economic changes in ancient and current times.
Michel has a strong expertise in climate modelling and palaeoclimate dynamics, with a focus on the phenomenon of ice ages, variability and tipping points.
Nico has a long career as a journalist at VRT and has an interest in archaeology and history.
Kate is specialized in prehistory, bioarchaeology, palaeodietary and palaeomobility reconstruction.
Harvey has a long-standing expertise in the relation between climate change and societal dynamics.
Rafiq is specialized in (regional) climate modelling and climate impact on society, and teaches surface modelling in numerical weather prediction.
Wim is a quaternary geologist and palynologist, with a main research focus is on the impact of past climate change on landscape and vegetation in the region bordering the research area (Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta and coversand region).
Lucy is specialized in the role of plant foods in hunter-gatherer and early agrarian subsistence in temperate Europe and semi-arid Africa.
Balthazar reflects on the crossover between nature, science and narration and visualizes this through art
Nathalie is a mineralogist and a sedimentary geochemist who has investigated both continental and marine, mainly Quaternary, sedimentary records to perform paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
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